Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 6

This weeks class was very interesting. This weeks guest speaker was Mr. Andrew Alspach. He was a very knowledgeable man that works for the UN. Before class started we got the special chance to speak to him about his background and get to know him on more of personal level. Turns out, he grew up on a farm in Ohio. Later, he would go on to join to peace corps and work with people all over the world on developing their bee population and teaching them how to get the most honey they possibly can get. This was very interesting to me because I have often thought about joining the peace corps. This is because i really enjoy helping people as much as possible and this would be a great chance to do just that. Furthermore, I have also a great interest in traveling to Africa to help out the refugees in their fight against the rebels whether it is in the military or as a member of the peace corps. Next Mr. Alspach went on to discuss that he is a member of the United Nations and the work he does there. This was great because we all got a little taste of what the UN in really about and not just what we read about in the newspapers of hear on the news. In was great to hear what has changed over the years. For example, they no longer ride around in cars that are marked UN on the site, they now ride in unmarked cars in order to avoid conflict and violence. Mr. Alspach is a great man and a great speaker. He opened my mind to a lot of new ideas and things that I can and will be thinking about in the future. He was also nice enough to give us his email address so in case we want to email him any questions or ask for advice we can do so. All in all, this was a great class and a eye opening experience. 

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